DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
Dr.-Ing. Miguel Heredia Conde
Universität Siegen
Zentrum für Sensorsysteme (ZESS)
57076 Siegen
Note: The list of publications contains only papers that have been published within the active period of the Research Training Group 1564, i.e. between Oct. 2009 and Oct. 2018.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, O. Loffeld - Fast Approximate Construction of Best Complex Antipodal Spherical Codes
In ArXiv e-prints, 2017
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde - Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device - Fundamentals, Methods and Results
In Springer Vieweg, 2017,ISBN: 978-3-658-18056-0 - [pdf]
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde, Dunja Hage, Otmar Loffeld - A null-space-based genetic algorithm for constrained L1 minimization
In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2017, pages 294-299 - [pdf]
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde, Otmar Loffeld - A genetic algorithm for compressive sensing sparse recovery
In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2017, pages 106-111 - [pdf]
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, B. Zhang, K. Kagawa, O. Loffeld - Low-Light Image Enhancement for Multiaperture and Multitap Systems
In Photonics Journal, IEEE, 8(2), 2016, pages 1-25
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde , Klaus Hartmann , Otmar Loffeld - Simple Adaptive Progressive Edge-Growth Construction of LDPC Codes for Close(r)-to-Optimal Sensing in Pulsed ToF
In 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar, and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa 2016), 2016
[bib] - Otmar Loffeld , Alexander Seel , Miguel Heredia Conde , Ling Wang - Sparse CS Reconstruction by Nullspace-based L1 Minimizing Kalman Filtering
In 11th International Conference on Communications (COMM 2016), 2016
[bib] - Otmar Loffeld , Alexander Seel , Miguel Heredia Conde , Ling Wang - A Nullspace Based L1 Minimizing Kalman Filter Approach to Sparse CS Reconstruction
In 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2016), 2016
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - Simultaneous Multichannel Waveform Recovery of Illumination Signals Using Compressed Sensing
In Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 27(4), 2015, pages 431-434
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - A Compressed Sensing Framework for Accurate and Robust Waveform Reconstruction and Phase Retrieval Using the Photonic Mixer Device
In Photonics Journal, IEEE, 7(3), 2015, pages 1-16
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - Adaptive High Dynamic Range for Time-of-Flight Cameras
In Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on, 64(7), 2015, pages 1885-1906
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde, Klaus Hartmann, Otmar Loffeld - Crosstalk characterization of PMD pixels using the spatial response function at subpixel level
In Proc. SPIE, 9393, 2015, pages 93930L-93930L-11 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - Structure and Rank Awareness for Error and Data Flow Reduction in Phase-Shift-Based ToF Imaging Systems Using Compressive Sensing
In 3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa), 2015, pages 150-154
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde, Davoud Shahlaei, Volker Blanz, Otmar Loffeld - Efficient and Robust Inverse Lighting of a Single Face Image Using Compressive Sensing
In The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2015
[bib] - O. Loffeld, T. Espeter, M. Heredia Conde - From Weighted Least Squares Estimation to Sparse CS Reconstruction: L1 Minimization in the Framework of Recursive Kalman Filtering
In 3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa), 2015, pages 149-153
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - Subpixel Spatial Response of PMD Pixels
In Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014, pages 297-302
[bib] - M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann, O. Loffeld - Turning a ToF camera into an illumination tester: Multichannel waveform recovery from few measurements using compressed sensing
In 3D Imaging (IC3D), 2014 International Conference on, 2014, pages 1-8