DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
Damien Lefloch
Universität Siegen
Lehrstuhl für Computergrafik
57068 Siegen
[bib] - Damien Lefloch - Real-Time Processing of Range Data Focusing on Environment Reconstruction
In Phd Thesis, Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2018 - [pdf]
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - Damien Lefloch, Markus Kluge, Hamed Sarbolandi, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Comprehensive Use of Curvature for Robust and Accurate Online Surface Reconstruction
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 39(12), 2017, pages 2349-2365 - [pdf]
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - H. Sarbolandi, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Kinect Range Sensing: Structured-Light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect
In Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 139, 2015, pages 1--20 - [pdf]
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - Damien Lefloch, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Anisotropic Point-Based Fusion
In International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2015, pages 2121-2128 - [pdf]
Artikel in Zeitschriften
[bib] - T. Hoegg, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Time-of-Flight Camera Based 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction of a Car
In Computers in Industry (3D Imaging), 64(9), 2013, pages 1099 - 1144 - [pdf]
[bib] - D. Lefloch, R. Nair, F. Lenzen, H. Schaefer, L. Streeter, M. J. Cree, R. Koch, A. Kolb - Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras
In Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pages 3-24 - [pdf]
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
[bib] - D. Lefloch , T. Hoegg , A. Kolb - Real-Time Motion Artifacts Compensation of ToF Sensors Data on GPU
In SPIE Defense, Security - Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, Proc. SPIE 8738, 2013, pages 87380U - 87380U-7
[bib] - M. Keller, D. Lefloch, M. Lambers, S. Izadi, T. Weyrich, A. Kolb - Real-time 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes using Point-based Fusion
In 2013 International Conference on 3D Vision - 3DV, 2013, pages 1 - 8, DOI:10.1109/3DV.2013.9 - [pdf]
[bib] - T. Hoegg, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Real-Time Motion Artifact Compensation for PMD-ToF Images
In Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging, LNCS - INMWorkshop, 8200, 2013, pages 273-288 - [pdf]