DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ullrich Pfeiffer

Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Campus Freudenberg
Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, Gebäude FE
D-42119 Wuppertal
Note: The list of publications contains only papers that have been published within the active period of the Research Training Group 1564, i.e. between Oct. 2009 and Oct. 2018.
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - N. Sarmah, P. Chevalier, U.R. Pfeiffer - 160-GHz Power Amplifier Design in Advanced SiGe HBT Technologies With Psat in Excess of 10 dBm
In IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, 61(99), 2013, pages 1-9
Conference Papers
[bib] - N. Sarmah, B. Heinemann, U.R. Pfeiffer - A 135-170 GHz Power Amplifier in an advanced SiGe HBT technology
In Proc. IEEE Symp. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC), 2013
[bib] - K. Statnikov, R. Al Hadi, M. Clemens, V. Hansen, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert, M. Zang, U. Pfeiffer - Methods For Determining The Exposure To THz Radiation Utilizing CMOS-Based Detectors
In Proc. Int. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2013, pages accepted for publication
[bib] - K. Statnikov, E. Ojefors, J. Grzyb, P. Chevalier, U. R. Pfeiffer - A 0.32 THz FMCW Radar System Based on Low-Cost Lens-Integrated SiGe HBT Front-Ends
In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2013, pages accepted for publication
[bib] - M. Zang, V. Hansen, U. R. Pfeiffer, O. Spathmann, K. Statnikov, J. Streckert, M. Clemens - Development and Application of Electromagnetic Field Excitation Models for Human Dosimetry Studies in the THz Range
In Proc. Int. Symp. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe), 2013
[bib] - J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, U. Pfeiffer - Lens-Integrated On-Chip Antennas for THz Direct Detectors in SiGe HBT
In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/USNC-URSI), 2013
[bib] - J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, Y. Zhao, U. Pfeiffer - Toward Room-Temperature All-Silicon Integrated THz Active Imaging
In Proc. Europ. Conf. Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2013, pages 1740-1744
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - R. Al Hadi, H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, Y. Zhao, W. Förster, H.M. Keller, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser, U.R. Pfeiffer - A 1 k-Pixel Video Camera for 0.7--1.1 Terahertz Imaging Applications in 65-nm CMOS
In IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 47(12), 2012, pages 2999-3012
Conference Papers
[bib] - O. Spathmann, M. Clemens, T. Fiedler, V. Hansen, U. Pfeiffer, M. Saviz, K. Statnikov, J. Streckert, M. Zang - Attempts for exposure assessment in the THz-frequency range using numerical computations
In Int. Symp. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), 2012, pages 1-5
[bib] - R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, B. Heinemann, U. Pfeiffer - Terahertz detector arrays in a high-performance SiGe HBT technology
In Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Tech. Meeting, 2012
[bib] - J. Grzyb, H. Sherry, Y. Zhao, R. Al Hadi, A. Kaiser, A. Cathelin, U.R. Pfeiffer - Real-time video rate imaging with a 1k-pixel THz CMOS focal-plane array
In Proc. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 8362, 2012, pages 83620C
[bib] - H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, Y. Zhao, R. Al Hadi, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser, U. Pfeiffer - A 1k-Pixel CMOS Camera Chip for 25fps Real-Time Terahertz Imaging Applications
In Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., 2012, pages 252-254
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - R. Al Hadi, H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, N. Baktash, Y. Zhao, E. Öjefors, A. Kaiser, A. Cathelin, U. Pfeiffer - A Broadband 0.6 to 1 THz CMOS Imaging Detector with an Integrated Lens
In IMS Baltimore, MD, 2011
[bib] - H. Sherry, R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, E. Öjefors, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser, U. Pfeiffer - Lens-Integrated THz Imaging Arrays in 65nm CMOS Technologies
In RFIC Baltimore, MD, 2011, pages 365-368
Conference Papers
[bib] - K. Statnikov, E. Ojefors, Yan Zhao , U.R. Pfeiffer - Towards 3D-imaging with low-cost SiGe-Technology at 160GHz
In New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2011 IEEE 9th International, 2011, pages 261-264 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Al Hadi, H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, N. Baktash, Yan Zhao , E. Ojefors, A. Kaiser, A. Cathelin, U. Pfeiffer - A broadband 0.6 to 1 THz CMOS imaging detector with an integrated lens
In Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, 2011, pages 1-4 - [pdf]
[bib] - Sherry, H. and Al Hadi, R. and Grzyb, J. and Öjefors, E. and Cathelin, A. and Kaiser, A. and Pfeiffer, U.R. - Lens-integrated THz imaging arrays in 65nm CMOS technologies
In Proc. Symp. Radio Freq. Integr. Circuits, 2011, pages 365-368
Conference Papers
[bib] - Neda Baktash, Erik Öjefors, Hans Keller, Ullrich R. Pfeiffer - Silicon Integrated Patch Antennas for Terahertz Imaging Applications
In Proceedings of the German Microwave Conference 2010, 2010, pages 13-15
[bib] - Öjefors, E. and Baktash, N. and Yan Zhao and Al~Hadi, R. and Sherry, H. and Pfeiffer, U.R. - Terahertz imaging detectors in a 65-nm CMOS SOI technology
In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2010, pages 486--489