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DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

Security Issues in Internet of Things

Friday, August 14, 2015 - 11:15 to 12:00
H – E 213
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Namhi Kang
Ubiquitous Network Technology Labs, Duksung Women University, Seoul

Currently, human lifestyles are innovatively and continuously changing with various everyday objects called smart things that are capable of connecting to the Intern. The dramatically increasing number of such connected things based on Internet protocol is leading to a new concept called the Internet of Things (IoT). Industrial and research organizations predict that tens of billions of everyday objects will be interconnected with each other at any time and place to support humans in the near future. Such interconnected things automatically discover a target service for humans and intelligently support the service by cooperating with nearby things without human intervention. Consequently, a smart and intelligent world can be realized.
However, the increase in the number of devices connected to the Internet carries various potential risks and security threats as great as the possibility of making a smart world. Specifically, it increases the number of targets that can be attacked. Because the IoT aims for on-demand service, it can have more private and personal information than any other services. One more important fact is that the capabilities of attacking systems are getting better and better as time goes by, unlike the limited resources of IoT devices. Also, such resource constrained and heterogeneous devices are dynamically connected with each other according to the user’s position and service scenario. As a result, lightweight and proper security methods are highly required.
Under the aspect, this presentation considers on security issues of the IoT. The presentation consists of three parts.

- What the Internet of Things (IoT) is (small definition of the presentation)

- Threats, attacks and security issues in IoT devices and services

- Standard efforts to enhance security of IoT (especially, IETF and oneM2M)