DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Davoud Shahlaei

Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen
Conference Papers
[bib] - Davoud Shahlaei, Marcel Piotraschke, Volker Blanz - Lighting design for portraits with a virtual light stage
In Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 2016, pages 1579-1583
Conference Papers
[bib] - Miguel Heredia Conde, Davoud Shahlaei, Volker Blanz, Otmar Loffeld - Efficient and Robust Inverse Lighting of a Single Face Image Using Compressive Sensing
In The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2015
[bib] - D. Shahlaei, V. Blanz - Realistic inverse lighting from a single 2D image of a face, taken under unknown and complex lighting
In Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on, 1, 2015, pages 1-8
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - Davoud Shahlaei, Michael Wahl, Hongjun Pu, Abdelkarim Belhoula - Adaptive Media Player for In-Car Entertainment
In GMM-Fachbericht-AmE 2013, 2013
Conference Papers
[bib] - D. Shahlaei , M. Wahl , H. Pu , A. Belhoula - Adaptive Media Player for In-Car Entertainment.
In Proc. Symp. Automotive meets Electronics (AmE), 2013