DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Sebastian Sporrer

+49 (2241) 865 - 456
Institut für Sicherheitsforschung
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
Note: The list of publications contains only papers that have been published within the active period of the Research Training Group 1564, i.e. between Oct. 2009 and Oct. 2018.
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - Holger Steiner, Sebastian Sporrer, Andreas Kolb, Norbert Jung - Design of an Active Multispectral SWIR Camera System for Skin Detection and Face Verification
In Journal of Sensors, 2016(1), 2016, pages doi:10.1155/2016/9682453 - [pdf]
[bib] - Joachim Herrmann, Sebastian Sporrer - Mensch und Maschine - who is who?
In DGUV Forum, 8(6), 2016, pages 34-35 - [pdf]
Conference Papers
[bib] - Sebastian Sporrer, Norbert Jung - \"Uberwachung von Industrierobotern mittels Nahinfrarot-Kamerasystem
In Mensch und Computer 2016 – Workshopband, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2016 - [pdf]
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - Sebastian Sporrer - Hand oder Holz? - Intelligente, automatische Höheneinstellung für Schutzhauben
In SPS-Magazin, 28(4), 2015, pages 112-113 - [pdf]
Conference Papers
[bib] - S. Sporrer, H. Steiner, M. Velte, N. Jung - NIR Camera Based Person Detection in the Working Range of Industrial Robots
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS), 2015, pages 147-152 - [pdf]
[bib] - N. Jung, O. Schwaneberg, S. Sporrer, H. Steiner, I. Gro - Adaptive, material-dependent height-control for protective hoods on panel saws
In Proc. Int. Conf. Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS), 2015, pages 157-162 - [pdf]
Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - O. Schwaneberg, U. Köckemann, H. Steiner, S. Sporrer, A. Kolb, N. Jung - Material classification through distance aware multispectral data fusion
In Measurement Science and Technology, 24(4), 2013, pages 045001