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DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

C3 Information Security

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Ruland, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kolb

Initial Situation

Data privacy and the information security play an important role in all technologies and applications that process personal data. New approaches should not be acting against people, in fact, they should protect them. For the data privacy, there exist clear regulations and laws concerning the demands on data privacy. Still, there is a lack for technical realization in ambitious applications. In the context of information security, even the requirements are non-existent, thus, new services will be studied in the context of the Research Training Group.

Objectives and Work Plan

The aim of this subproject is to study appropriate protection and security mechanisms for multi-modal image data which provide means to verify the generation, distribution, modification and processing of private information. Today, a citizen has, only "legally", thus written on paper, the possibility to demand to know where the information related to his person is stored. Here, it will be necessary to investigate how to realize these requirements technically. The security related and data privacy related aspects of multi-modal data will be considered on three levels in the context of civilian security application. The model level investigates appropriate business scenarios while considering all participants (the person concerned, the author, the user, etc.). On the base of the security model, the access control to the data and the insurance of their intactness for concrete application scenarios in the context of scene monitoring and person recognition (biometry, face recognition) must be designed (system level). On a lower technical level, new digital watermark approaches for multi-modal data will be studied.