DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Dagstuhl Workshop 2013
The joint workshop of the research training groups in the area of Computer Science for 2013 is organized by the RTG 1362 and 1564. Here, current information is published for the participants of this workshop.
The information sheet including important details, such as arrival, programme, etc., can be downloaded here.
Information about the location of "Schloss Dagstuhl" can be found on this website:
Important Dates
February, 15th | Registration Deadline |
February, 28th | Seminar Topic Proposal Deadline |
March, 29th |
Seminar/Challenge Track Registration Deadline Abstract Deadline |
May, 27th - 29th | Workshop |
Participating RTGs
- RTG 1042 (Konstanz): Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces
- RTG 1194 (Karlsruhe): Selbstorganisierende Sensor-Aktor-Netzwerke
- RTG 1247 (Hamburg-Beijing): Cross-Modal Interactions in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems (CINACS)
- RTG 1298 (Aachen): Algorithmic synthesis of reactive and discrete-continuous systems
- RTG 1324 (Berlin): Model-Based Development of Technologies for Self-Organizing Decentralized Information Systems in Disaster Management
- RTG 1362 (Darmstadt): Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments
- RTG 1424 (Rostock): Multimodal Smart Appliance Ensembles for Mobile Applications
- RTG 1480 (München): Programm- und Modell-Analyse (PUMA)
- RTG 1487 (Ilmenau): Selbstorganisierende Mobilkommunikationssysteme für Katastrophenszenarien
- RTG 1564 (Siegen): Imaging New Modalities
- RTG 1651 (Berlin): Service-orientierte Architekturen zur Integration Software-gestützter Prozesse am Beispiel des Gesundheitswesens und der Medizintechnik (SOAMED)
- RTG 1765 (Oldenburg): Systemkorrektheit unter widrigen Umständen (SCARE)
- RTG 1773 (Erlangen-Nürnberg): Heterogene Bildsysteme
- RTG 1780 (Chemnitz): Kopplung virtueller und realer sozialer Welten
- HPI Research College (Potsdam): Service-Oriented Systems Engineering
The proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop 2013 can be downloaded here.
Julian Bader | |
Rodrigo do Carmo | |
Christian Feinen | |
Jens Hedrich | |
Philipp M. Scholl | |