DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Dr. des. Thomas Högg
PhD Thesis
[bib] - T. Hoegg - Effiziente Verarbeitung von Tiefen- und Bilddaten - Algorithmen und Software-Paradigmen
In Phd Thesis, Universität Siegen, 2017 - [pdf]
Conference Papers
[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Abstracting Data and Image Processing Systems using a Component-Based Domain Specific Language
In Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), 2016 4rd International Conference on, 2016, pages 292-300
[bib] - T. Hoegg, G. Fiedler, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Flow Driven GPGPU Programming combining Textual and Graphical Programming
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, 2016, pages 88-97
Conference Papers
[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Component based data and image processing systems: A conceptual and practical approach
In Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pages 66-69
[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Baiz, A. Kolb - Online Improvement of Time-of-Flight Camera Accuracy by Automatic Integration Time Adaption
In Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, 2015, pages 613-618 - [pdf]
Technical Reports
[bib] - Thomas Hoegg, Guenther Fiedler, Christian Koehler, and Andreas Kolb - GU-DSL - A Generic Domain-Specific Language for Data- and Image Processing
In Technical Report , University of Siegen, 2015
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Articles/Journal Papers
[bib] - T. Hoegg, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Time-of-Flight Camera Based 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction of a Car
In Computers in Industry (3D Imaging), 64(9), 2013, pages 1099 - 1144 - [pdf]
Conference Papers
[bib] - D. Lefloch , T. Hoegg , A. Kolb - Real-Time Motion Artifacts Compensation of ToF Sensors Data on GPU
In SPIE Defense, Security - Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, Proc. SPIE 8738, 2013, pages 87380U - 87380U-7