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DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

A3 High Resolution 3D-Sensors

Project Leaders

Prof. Dr. Otmar Loffeld, Prof. Dr. Max Lemme

Initial Situation

Graphene-based photo detectors are in a very early state of development. However, first results with simple metal-graphene-metal structures clearly indicate the potential for fast broadband photo detection. Of particular relevance is the fact that the operating area of graphene is located within the infrared range, and that the high charge carrier mobility of graphene enables fast components and, thus, an improved depth resolution.

Aims and Work Program

The aim is experimental proof of high depth-resolution 3D sensorics, based on graphene photo detectors. For this, photonic mixer devices (PMD's), with graphene as the photo sensitive material in single pixel configuration, are initially produced and characterized. In the course of the project these are then optimized by means of several measures, among which are gate contacts for the modulation of photo signals, as well as the use of multi-layered graphene films, plasmonic nano structures and nano particles for sensitivity improvements.

2D/3D Multikamera A schematic cross-section and top-view of a Graphene
Base Transistor