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DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

A4 Multimodal Raman-IR-Spectroscopy

Project Leaders

Prof. Dr. Peter Kaul , Prof. Dr. Peter Haring-Bolivar

Initial situation

In security related fields of research imaging information is of importance which can furnish both qualitative as well as quantitative analyses. Well suited for analysis are spectroscopic procedures, such as Raman spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy. Both procedures
complement each other when analyzing and identifying chemical substances. Both use vibrational spectroscopy, but when it comes to complex chemical surface matrices, both procedures complement each other ideally. IR vibrational bands are low or non Raman active and vice versa.

Aims and Work Program

The aim of this research project is the development of new multimodal sensoric methods in order to spectroscopically measure surfaces with a Raman- and an IR microscope. This new procedure is to provide an overall improvement of recognition of contaminating materials on surfaces. The main focus being on the hardware aspect of the development of an imaging process, the determination of detection limits, the evaluation of the surface (or rather, of its chemical background matrix), as well as the evaluation of the possibilities and limits of this procedure. To achieve this two challenging practical examples are considered:
the analysis of surface contamination and filter elements to detect chemical traces (as e.g. explosives or drugs) and the quantitative evaluation of organic traces on chemically similar surfaces, e.g. the micobial load on meat surfaces.