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DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

D2 Multimodal 3D Rekonstruction and Material Classification

Project Leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kolb, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Volker Blanz

Initial Situation

Positive material recognition in the THz range is based on the femtosecond laser founded THz-technologies with huge frequency range, which makes an imaging analysis with many spatial sampling points extremely expensive.

Aims and Work Program

The aim of this project, and this is the difference to partial project C1, is to develop methods for the rough assessment of materials, as e.g. metallic, (partially) transparent and strongly absorbent, on the basis of narrow frequency, but fast scanning THz systems, in combination with distance information. This approach makes the realization of efficient and cost-effective imaging systems possible, which permit a rough classification of materials based on absolute THz reflectivity values. In this context spatial dispersion effects on the surface as well as multi layer interference effects have to be taken into consideration, in order to facilitate a spatial-spectral reconstruction. Because it is not possible to correct  a variety of physical effects mechanically, additional methods of visual analysis will be employed.

Stacked THz slices of one view in 3-D. The linear spectral unmixing rendering and the nearest neighbor visualization of a multispectral image.