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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kolb

+49 (271) 740-2404

Universität Siegen
Lehrstuhl Computergrafik und Multimediasysteme
57076 Siegen

Note: The list of publications contains only papers that have been published within the active period of the Research Training Group 1564, i.e. between Oct. 2009 and Oct. 2018.


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - H. Sommerhoff, A. Kolb - Hashed, binned A-buffer for real-time outlier removal and rendering of noisy point clouds
In The Visual Computer, 40(3), 2024, pages 1825-1838 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - A. Görlitz, M. Möller, A. Kolb - Coherent Enhancement of Depth Images and Normal Maps Using Second-Order Geometric Models on Weighted Finite Graphs
In International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), IEEE, 2024, pages 623-630
[bib] - H. Sommerhoff, S. Agnihotri, M. Saleh, M. Moeller, M. Keuper, B. Choubey, A. Kolb - Task Driven Sensor Layouts - Joint Optimization of Pixel Layout and Network Parameters
In IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2024 - [pdf]
[bib] - B. Choubey, H. Sommerhoff, M. Moeller, A. Kolb - Variable layout CMOS pixels for end-to-end learning in task specific image sensors
In IEEE 6th International Conference on AI Circuits and Systems (AICAS), 2024 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Dmitri Presnov, Julia Kurz, Judith Willkomm, Johannes Dillmann, Daniel Alt, Robert Zilke, Veit Braun, Cornelius Schubert, Andreas Kolb - Anatomically Integrated In-Place Visualization of Patient Data for Cooperative Tasks with a Case Study on a Neurosurgical Ward
In Health Informatics Journal, 29(2), 2023 - [pdf]
[bib] - Markus Kluge, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Progressive Refinement Imaging with Depth-Assisted Disparity Correction
In Computers & Graphics, 115, 2023, pages 446-460 - [pdf]
[bib] - D. Presnov, M. Berels, A. Kolb - Pacemod: parametric contour-based modifications for glyph generation
In The Visual Computer, 40(5), 2023, pages 3371-3384 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Akhunov, A. Kolb - Decoupled Boundary Handling in SPH
In The Visual Computer, 2023


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Hendrik Sommerhoff, Andreas Kolb - A Generic Framework for Depth Reconstruction Enhancement
In Journal of Imaging, 8(5), 2022, pages 138 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dmitri Presnov, Andreas Kolb - Perception and Quantization Model for Periodic Contour Modifications
In Journal of Imaging, 8(11), 2022 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Akhunov, R. Winchenbach, A. Kolb - Evaluation of particle-based smoothed particle hydrodynamics boundary handling approaches in computer animation
In Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2022, pages e2138 - [pdf]


[bib] - Tak Ming Wong, Hartmut Bauermeister, Matthias Kahl, Peter Haring Bolívar, Michael Möller, Andreas Kolb - Deep Neural Network as an Optimizer for FMCW THz Image Deblurring
In ATHENA Research Book Volume 1, University of Maribor Press, 2022, pages 13-21 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Tak Ming Wong, Hartmut Bauermeister, Matthias Kahl, Peter Haring Bolívar, Michael Möller, Andreas Kolb - Deep Optimization Prior for THz Model Parameter Estimation
In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022, pages 3811-3820 - [pdf]
[bib] - A. Görlitz, M. Möller, A. Kolb - FL0C: Fast l0 cut pursuit for estimation of piecewise constant functions
In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), 2022


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - R. Winchenbach, A. Kolb - Optimized Refinement for Spatially Adaptive SPH
In ACM Trans. Graphics, 40(1), 2021, pages 1-15 - [pdf]
[bib] - P. Chandramouli, H. Sommerhoff, A. Kolb - Light Field Implicit Representation for Flexible Resolution Reconstruction
In CoRR, 2112, 2021 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - C. Pomrehn, A. Kolb, R. Herpers - Global Gradient-based Representation of Hyperspectral Images for Registration Refinement in Multimodal Microspectroscopy
In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing (WHISPERS), 2021 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Markus Kluge, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Progressive Refinement Imaging
In Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 39(1), 2020, pages 360-374 - [pdf]
[bib] - C. Schubert, A. Kolb - Designing technology, developing theory. Towards a symmetrical approach
In Science, Technology, & Human Values, 2020 - [pdf]
[bib] - Paramanand Chandramouli, Kanchana Vaishnavi Gandikota, Andreas Goerlitz, Andreas Kolb, Michael Moeller - A Generative Model for Generic Light Field Reconstruction
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020, pages DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.3039841 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Winchenbach, A. Kolb - Multi-Level Memory Structures for Simulating and Rendering Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
In Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 39(6), 2020, pages 527-541 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Winchenbach, R. Akhunov, A. Kolb - Semi-Analytic Boundary Handling Below Particle Resolution for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
In ACM Trans. Graphics, 39(6), 2020, pages 1-17 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - C. Pomrehn, D. Klein, A. Kolb, R. Herpers, P. Kaul - Supervised classification of mono-modal and multimodal hyperspectral data in vibrational microspectroscopy: A comprehensive comparison
In Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 184, 2019, pages 112-122 - [pdf]
[bib] - Tak Ming Wong, Matthias Kahl, Peter Haring Bolí­var, Andreas Kolb - Computational Image Enhancement for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) THz Image
In Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 40(7), 2019, pages 775–800 - [pdf]
[bib] - Holger Steiner, Hendrik Sommerhoff, David Bulczak, Norbert Jung, Martin Lambers, Andreas Kolb - Fast Motion Estimation for Field Sequential Imaging: Survey and Benchmark
In Image and Vision Computing, 89, 2019, pages 170-182 - [pdf]
[bib] - Tim Shirley, Dmitri Presnov, Andreas Kolb - A Lightweight Approach to 3D Measurement of Chronic Wounds
In Journal of WSCG, 27(1), 2019, pages 67-74 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Daniel Stock, Matthias Kahl, Anna Katharina Wigger, Tak Ming Wong, Andreas Kolb, Peter Haring Bolí­var - Advanced signal processing techniques for THz imaging and sensing enhancement in material quality control applications
In Proc. SPIE 10917, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XII, SPIE, 10917, 2019, pages DOI: 10.1117/12.2515642 - [pdf]
[bib] - Paramanand Chandramouli, Samuel Burri, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, Andreas Kolb - A Bit Too Much? High Speed Imaging from Sparse Photon Counts
In IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2019, pages DOI: 10.1109/ICCPHOT.2019.8747325
[bib] - C. Pomrehn, D. Klein, A. Kolb, P. Kaul, R. Herpers - Multiresolution Analysis Pansharpening for the Fusion of Raman and Conventional Brightfield Microscopy Images
In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing (WHISPERS), 2019, pages accepted for publication DOI: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2019.8921202
[bib] - Tak Ming Wong, Matthias Kahl, Peter Haring Bolí­var, Andreas Kolb, Michael Möller - Training Auto-encoder-based Optimizers for Terahertz Image Reconstruction
In German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Springer, 11824, 2019, pages 93-106 - [pdf]
[bib] - Andreas Görlitz, Jonas Geiping, Andreas Kolb - Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow with Implicit Motion Segmentation
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019 - [pdf]
[bib] - R. Winchenbach, A. Kolb - Multi-Level-Memory structures for adaptive SPH simulations
In Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualisation, 2019, pages DOI:10.2312/vmv.20191323 (Honorable Mentioned)
[bib] - Hendrik Sommerhoff, Andreas Kolb, Michael Möller - Energy Dissipation with Plug-and-Play Priors
In NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Solving Inverse Problems with Deep Networks, 2019 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Hamed Sarbolandi, Markus Plack, Andreas Kolb - Pulse Based Time-of-Flight Range Sensing
In Sensors, 18(6), 2018, pages DOI: 10.3390/s18061679 - [pdf]
[bib] - T. Geisler, A. Kolb - Pattern Recognition of Rough Surfaces by Using Goniometric Scattered Light
In Metrology and Measurement Systems, 25(1), 2018, pages 33-46
[bib] - D. Bulczak, M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Quantified, Interactive Simulation of AMCW ToF Camera Including Multipath Effects
In Sensors, 18(1), 2018, pages DOI: 10.3390/s18010013 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dmitri Presnov, Martin Lambers, Andreas Kolb - Robust Range Camera Pose Estimation for Mobile Online Scene Reconstruction
In IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(7), 2018, pages 2903-2915, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2801878
[bib] - M. Zollhöfer, P. Stotko, P., A. Görlitz, C. Theobalt, M. Nießner, R., Klein, A. Kolb - State of the Art on 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras
In Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR), 37(2), 2018, pages 625-652, DOI: 10.1111/cgf.13386 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Mai Lan Ha, Gianni Franchi, Michael Möller, Andreas Kolb, Volker Blanz - Segmentation and Shape Extraction from Convolutional Neural Networks
In IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018, pages 1509-1518 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, H. Sommerhoff, A. Kolb - Realistic Lens Distortion Rendering
In Proc. Int. Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 2018, pages 83 - [pdf]
[bib] - David Bulczak, Andreas Kolb - Efficient Subsurface Scattering Simulation for Time-of-Flight Sensors
In Vision, Modeling and Visualization, The Eurographics Association, 2018 - [pdf]
[bib] - G. Franchi, Kolb. A., A. Yao - Supervised deep kriging for single-image super-resolution
In In Proc. German Conf. Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Springer, 2018, pages 638-649, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12939-2_44 - [pdf]
[bib] - Christoph Pomrehn, Daniel Klein, Andreas Kolb, Peter Kaul, Rainer Herpers - Application of pansharpening algorithms for the fusion of raman and conventional brightfield microscopy images
In In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing (WHISPERS), 2018, pages DOI: 10.1109/WHISPERS.20188747082 - [pdf]

Technische Berichte

[bib] - Tak Ming Wong, Matthias Kahl, Peter Haring Bolí­var, Andreas Kolb - Computational Image Enhancement for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) THz Image
In Technical Report arXiv:1802.05457, Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2018
 - [pdf]
[bib] - Christoph Schikora, Markus Plack, Andreas Kolb - Residuum-Condition Diagram and Reduction of Over-Complete Endmember-Sets
In Technical Report arXiv:1809.10089, Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2018
 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Damien Lefloch, Markus Kluge, Hamed Sarbolandi, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Comprehensive Use of Curvature for Robust and Accurate Online Surface Reconstruction
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 39(12), 2017, pages 2349-2365 - [pdf]
[bib] - Christoph M. Schikora, Markus Plack, Rainer Bornemann, Peter Haring Bolivar, Andreas Kolb - Visual Analysis of Confocal Raman Spectroscopy Data using Cascaded Transfer Function Design
In Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis 2017), 36(3), 2017, pages 239–249
[bib] - Rene Winchenbach, Hendrik Hochstetter, Andreas Kolb - Infinite Continuous Adaptivity for Incompressible SPH
In ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 36(4), 2017, pages 102:1-102:10 - [pdf]
[bib] - Hendrik Hochstetter, Andreas Kolb - Evaporation and Condensation of SPH-based Fluids
In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2017, pages 3:1–3:9 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Farhoosh Alghabi, Sebastian Send, Ulrich Schipper, Ali Abboud, Ullrich Pietsch, Andreas Kolb - Fast GPU-based absolute intensity determination for energy dispersive X ray Laue diffraction
In Journal of Instrumentation, 2016, pages DOI:10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/T11003 - [pdf]
[bib] - Holger Steiner, Sebastian Sporrer, Andreas Kolb, Norbert Jung - Design of an Active Multispectral SWIR Camera System for Skin Detection and Face Verification
In Journal of Sensors, 2016(1), 2016, pages doi:10.1155/2016/9682453 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Abstracting Data and Image Processing Systems using a Component-Based Domain Specific Language
In Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), 2016 4rd International Conference on, 2016, pages 292-300
[bib] - T. Hoegg, G. Fiedler, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Flow Driven GPGPU Programming combining Textual and Graphical Programming
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, 2016, pages 88-97
[bib] - S. Scheckel, A. Kolb - Min-Max Mipmaps for Efficient 2D Occlusion Culling
In Proc. Int. Conf. Central Europe on Comp. Graph., Vis. & Comp. Vis. (WSCG), 2016
[bib] - Hendrik Hochstetter, Jens Orthmann, Andreas Kolb - Adaptive Sampling for On-The-Fly Ray Casting of Particle-based Fluids
In Proc. ACM/Eurographics High Performance Graphics, Eurographics Association, 2016, pages 129-138
[bib] - Rene Winchenbach, Hendrik Hochstetter, Andreas Kolb - Constrained Neighbor Lists for SPH-based Fluid Simulations
In Proc. Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation, Eurographics Association, 2016, pages 49-56 - [pdf]
[bib] - Shida Beigpour, Mai Lan Ha, Sven Kunz, Andreas Kolb, Volker Blanz - Multi-view Multi-illuminant Intrinsic Dataset
In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2016 - [pdf]
[bib] - H. Steiner , A. Kolb , N. Jung - Reliable face anti-spoofing using multispectral SWIR imaging
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB), 2016, pages 1-8 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - M. Lambers, S. Hoberg, A. Kolb - Simulation of Time-of-Flight Sensors for Evaluation of Chip Layout Variants
In IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(7), 2015, pages 4019-4026 - [pdf]
[bib] - H. Sarbolandi, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Kinect Range Sensing: Structured-Light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect
In Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 139, 2015, pages 1--20 - [pdf]


[bib] - A. Kolb, F. Pece - Range Imaging
In Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality, AK Peters / CRC Press, 2015, pages 51 - 64
[bib] - A. Kolb, J. Zhu, R. Yang - Sensor Fusion
In Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality, AK Peters / CRC Press, 2015, pages 133 - 150

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - F. Alghabi, U. Schipper, A. Kolb - A Scalable Software Framework for Stateful Stream Data Processing on Multiple GPUs and Applications
In 2013 Symposium on GPU Computing and Applications, Springer, 2015, pages 99-118 - [pdf]
[bib] - L. Xiao, F. Heide, M. O'Toole, A. Kolb, M. B. Hullin, K. N. Kutulakos, W. Heidrich - Defocus Deblurring and Superresolution for Time-of-Flight Depth Cameras
In Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2015, pages 2376-2384
[bib] - Hendrik Hochstetter, Maximilian Wurm, Andreas Kolb - Vector Field Visualization of Advective-Diffusive Flows
In Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis 2015), 34, 2015, pages DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12660 - [pdf]
[bib] - Damien Lefloch, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb - Anisotropic Point-Based Fusion
In International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2015, pages 2121-2128 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Pätzold, A. Kolb - Grid-Free Out-Of-Core Voxelization to Sparse Voxel Octrees on GPU
In Proc. ACM/Eurographics High Performance Graphics, ACM, 2015, pages 95-103 - [pdf]
[bib] - Shida Beigpour, Andreas Kolb, Sven Kunz - A Comprehensive Multi-Illuminant Dataset for Benchmarking of Intrinsic Image Algorithms
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pages 172-180 - [pdf]
[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Koehler, A. Kolb - Component based data and image processing systems: A conceptual and practical approach
In Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pages 66-69
[bib] - T. Hoegg, C. Baiz, A. Kolb - Online Improvement of Time-of-Flight Camera Accuracy by Automatic Integration Time Adaption
In Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, 2015, pages 613-618 - [pdf]

Technische Berichte

[bib] - Thomas Hoegg, Guenther Fiedler, Christian Koehler, and Andreas Kolb - GU-DSL - A Generic Domain-Specific Language for Data- and Image Processing
In Technical Report , University of Siegen, 2015
 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Felix Heide, Lei Xiao, Andreas Kolb, Matthias B. Hullin, Wolfgang Heidrich - Imaging in scattering media using correlation image sensors and sparse convolutional coding
In Optics Express, 22(21), 2014, pages 26338 - 26350
[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Aleš Vlasák, Jan Egger, Daniel Hořínek, Christopher Nimsky, Andreas Kolb - Robust Detection and Segmentation for Diagnosis of Vertebral Diseases using Routine MR Images
In Computer Graphics Forum (Invited Paper), 33(6), 2014, pages 190-204 - [pdf]
[bib] - F. Alghabi, S. Send, U. Schipper, A. Abboud, N. Pashniak, U. Pietsch and A. Kolb - Fast GPU-Based Spot Extraction for Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Laue Diffraction
In Journal of Instrumentation, 9(11), 2014, pages T 1103 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - M. Ihmsen, J. Orthmann, B. Solenthaler, A. Kolb, M. Teschner - SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics
In Eurographics (State-of-the-Art Report), The Eurographics Association, 2014, pages 21 - 42 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Jan Egger, Dženan Zukić, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky - Segmentation of Pituitary Adenoma: A Graph-based Method vs. a Balloon Inflation Method
In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 110(3), 2013, pages 268-278 - [pdf]
[bib] - F. Heide, M. Rouf, M. Hullin, B. Labitzke, W. Heidrich, A. Kolb - High-Quality Computational Imaging Through Simple Lenses
In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(5), 2013, pages 149:1 - 149:14 - [pdf]
[bib] - O. Schwaneberg, U. Köckemann, H. Steiner, S. Sporrer, A. Kolb, N. Jung - Material classification through distance aware multispectral data fusion
In Measurement Science and Technology, 24(4), 2013, pages 045001
[bib] - L. Maier-Hein , P. Mountney , A. Bartoli . H. Elhawary , D. Elson , A. Groch , A. Kolb , M. Rodrigues , J. Sorger, S. Speidel, D. Stoyanov - Optical Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction in Computer-assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
In Medical Image Analysis, 17(8), 2013, pages 974 - 996 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Pätzold, M. Kahl, T. Klinkert, A. Keil, T. Löffler, P. Haring Bolívar, A. Kolb - Simulation and Data-Processing Framework for Hybrid Synthetic Aperture THz Systems Including THz-Scattering
In IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 3(5), 2013, pages 625-634 - [pdf]
[bib] - T. Hoegg, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Time-of-Flight Camera Based 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction of a Car
In Computers in Industry (3D Imaging), 64(9), 2013, pages 1099 - 1144 - [pdf]


[bib] - M. Grzegorzek, C. Theobalt, R. Koch, A. Kolb - Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications
In Springer LNCS 8200, 2013


[bib] - R. Nair, S. Meister, M. Lambers, M. Balda, H. Hoffmann, A. Kolb, D. Kondermann, B. Jähne - Ground Truth for Evaluating Time of Flight Imaging
In Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, Springer, 2013, pages 52-74
[bib] - D. Lefloch, R. Nair, F. Lenzen, H. Schaefer, L. Streeter, M. J. Cree, R. Koch, A. Kolb - Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras
In Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pages 3-24 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - D. Lefloch , T. Hoegg , A. Kolb - Real-Time Motion Artifacts Compensation of ToF Sensors Data on GPU
In SPIE Defense, Security - Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, Proc. SPIE 8738, 2013, pages 87380U - 87380U-7
[bib] - B. Labitzke, A. Kolb - Efficient and Accurate Linear Spectral Unmixing
In IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (Whispers), 2013
[bib] - M. Keller, D. Lefloch, M. Lambers, S. Izadi, T. Weyrich, A. Kolb - Real-time 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes using Point-based Fusion
In 2013 International Conference on 3D Vision - 3DV, 2013, pages 1 - 8, DOI:10.1109/3DV.2013.9 - [pdf]
[bib] - B. Labitzke, M. Paltian, A. Kolb - Radviz-based Visual Analysis of Multispectral Images
In Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS), 2013, pages 1-6, DOI:10.1109/CVCS.2013.6626270
[bib] - J. Bader, M. Pätzold, A. Kolb - Constraint Up-Scaling for Direct and Global Image Components
In Int. Conf. Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Journal of Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 21(1), 2013, pages 69 - 78
[bib] - B. Labitzke, F. Urrigshardt, A. Kolb - Expressive Spectral Error Visualization for Enhanced Spectral Unmixing
In Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2013, pages 9-16
[bib] - J. Orthmann, H.Hochstetter, J. Bader, S. Bayraktar, A. Kolb - Consistent Surface Model for SPH-based Fluid Transport
In Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2013, pages 95-103
[bib] - T. Hoegg, D. Lefloch, A. Kolb - Real-Time Motion Artifact Compensation for PMD-ToF Images
In Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging, LNCS - INMWorkshop, 8200, 2013, pages 273-288 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Bayraktar, B. Labitzke, J. Bader, R. Bornemann, P. Haring Bolívar, A. Kolb - Efficient, Robust, and Scale-Invariant Decomposition of Raman Spectra
In Proceedings of Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), 2013, pages 317–321

Technische Berichte

[bib] - J. Klein, D. Reuling, J. Grimm, A. Pfau, D. Lefloch, M. Lambers, A. Kolb - User Interface for Volume Rendering in Virtual Reality Environments
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2013
 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - B. Labitzke, S. Bayraktar, A. Kolb - Generic Visual Analysis for Multi- and Hyperspectral Data
In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Special Issue: Intelligent Data Visualization, 2012, pages 117-145 - [pdf]
[bib] - Jens Orthmann, Andreas Kolb - Temporal Blending for Adaptive SPH
In Computer Graphics Forum, 31(8), 2012, pages p 2436-2449 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - M. Kahl, A. Keil, J. Peuser, T. Löffler, M. Pätzold, A. Kolb, T. Sprenger, B. Hils, P. Haring Bolívar - Stand-off real-time synthetic imaging at mm-wave frequencies
In Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XV, SPIE, 8362(1), 2012, pages 836208 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Ellipsoidal Cube Maps for Accurate Rendering of Planetary-Scale Terrain Data
In Proc. Pacific Graphics (Short Papers), 2012, pages 5-10 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Aleš Vlasák, Thomas Dukatz, Jan Egger, Daniel Hořínek, Christopher Nimsky, Andreas Kolb - Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in MR Images
In Vision, Modeling and Visualization, Eurographics, 2012, pages 135-142 - [pdf]


[bib] - F. Alghabi, U. Schipper, S. Send, A. Abboud, N. Pashniak, U. Pietsch, A. Kolb - Real-Time Processing of pnCCD Images Using GPUs
In 14th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, 2012 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - I. Chiosa, A. Kolb - GPU-based Multilevel Clustering
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 17(2), 2011, pages 132-145 - [pdf]


[bib] - J. Bader , B. Labitzke , M. Grzegorzek , A. Kolb - Multispectral Pattern Recognition Techniques for Biometrics
In Biometrics, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, 2011, pages 87-116 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Jan Egger, Miriam H. A. Bauer, Daniela Kuhnt, Barbara Carl, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky - Preoperative Volume Determination for Pituitary Adenoma
In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, SPIE, 7963(1), 2011, pages 79632T - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Strickert, B. Labitzke, A. Kolb, T. Villmann - Multispectral image characterization by partial generalized covariance
In European Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, i6doc.com publ., 2011, pages 105-110 - [pdf]
[bib] - J. Moll, C. Rezk-Salama, R. Schulte, T. Klinkert, C.-P. Fritzen, A. Kolb - Interactive Simulation and Visualization of Lamb Wave Propagation in Isotropic and Anisotropic Structures
In Int. Conf. on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), 2011 - [pdf]

Technische Berichte

[bib] - Roberto Cespi, Andreas Kolb, Marvin Lindner - Hand Tracking based on Hierarchical Clustering of Range Data
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2011
 - [pdf]


[bib] - A. Kolb - Foundations of Time-of-Flight Cameras and their Application to Surface Reconstruction
In MICCAI Tutorial on 3D Surface Reconstruction in Laparoscopic Surgery, 2011 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - M. Lindner, I. Schiller, A. Kolb, R. Koch - Time-of-Flight Sensor Calibration for Accurate Range Sensing
In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114(12), 2010, pages 1318 -- 1328
[bib] - A. Kolb, E. Barth, R. Koch, R. Larsen - Time-of-Flight Cameras in Computer Graphics
In Computer Graphics Forum, 29(1), 2010, pages 141-159 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Dynamic Terrain Rendering
In 3D Research, 1(4), 2010, pages 1-8 - [pdf]


[bib] - R. Larsen, E. Barth, A. Kolb (editors) - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special issue on Time-of-Flight Camera Based Computer Vision
In Elsevier, 2010
[bib] - R. Koch, A. Kolb, C. Rezk-Salama (editors) - Proc. Vision, Modeling & Visualization
In Eurographics Association, 2010

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - M. Banf, M. Barth, H. Schulze, J. Koch, A. Pritzkau, M. Schmidt, A. Daraban, S. Meister, R. Sandhöfer, V. Sotke, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - On-Demand Creation of Procedural Cities
In Proc. Game and Entertainment Technologies, 2010, pages 69-76 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Visual Assistance Tools for Interactive Visualization of Remote Sensing Data
In Proc. Int. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010, pages 4745-4748 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Jan Egger, Miriam H. A. Bauer, Daniela Kuhnt, Barbara Carl, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky - Glioblastoma Multiforme Segmentation in MRI Data with a Balloon Inflation Approach
In Proc. of the 6th Russian-Bavarian Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering, 2010, pages 40-44 - [pdf]
[bib] - Lisa Brückbauer, Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - Relighting Spherical Light Fields With Polynomial Texture Mapping
In VMV 2010: Vision, Modeling & Visualization, 2010
[bib] - J. Orthmann, M. Keller, A. Kolb - Topology-Caching for Dynamic Particle Volume Raycasting
In Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization, Eurographics Ass., 2010, pages 147-154 - [pdf]
[bib] - Jan Egger, Dženan Zukić, Miriam H. A. Bauer, Daniela Kuhnt, Barbara Carl, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky - A Comparison of Two Human Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods for MRI Data
In Prof. of the 6th Russian-Bavarian Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering, 2010, pages 9-13 - [pdf]
[bib] - S.Fuchs, S. Haddadin, M. Keller, S. Parusel, A. Kolb, M. Suppa - Cooperative Bin Picking with ToF-Camera and Impedance Controlled DLR Light-Weight Robot III
In Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE/RSJ, 2010, pages 4862-4867 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - M. Keller, A. Kolb - Real-time Simulation of Time-Of-Flight Sensors
In J. Simulation Practice and Theory, 17, 2009, pages 967-978 - [pdf]
[bib] - J. Orthmann, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - GPU-based Responsive Grass
In Journal of WSCG, 17, 2009, pages 65-72 - [pdf]
[bib] - Nicolas Cuntz, Albert Pritzkau, Andreas Kolb - Time-Adaptive Lines for the Interactive Visualization of Unsteady Flow Data Sets
In Computer Graphics Forum, 28(8), 2009, pages 2165-2175 - [pdf]


[bib] - A. Kolb and R. Koch (editors) - Proc. DAGM Workshop Dynamic 3D Imaging
In Springer, 2009, LNCS ed.


[bib] - S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - Virtuelle Rekonstruktion und Interaktive Exploration der Schlossanlage Dillenburg
In Virtuelle Welten als Basistechnologie für Kunst und Kultur, transscript Verlag, 2009, pages 119-138 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - Classifying Volume Datasets Based on Intensities and Geometric Features
In Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009, Springer, 2009, pages 63-85 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - A. Kolb, E. Barth, R. Koch, R. Larsen - Time-of-Flight Sensors in Computer Graphics
In Eurographics (State-of-the-Art Report), The Eurographics Association, 2009, pages 119-134 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - GPU-Based Framework for Distributed Interactive 3D Visualization of Multimodal Remote Sensing Data
In Proc. Int. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4, 2009, pages IV-57 - IV-60 - [pdf]
[bib] - Iurie Chiosa, Andreas Kolb, Nicolas Cuntz, Marvin Lindner - Parallel Mesh Clustering
In Proc. Eurographics Symp. on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV), 2009, pages 33-40 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Wenzel, J. Koch, U. Kelter, A. Kolb - Evolution Analysis with Animated and 3D-Visualizations
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2009, pages 475-478 - [pdf]
[bib] - Dženan Zukić, Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - A Neural Network Classifier of Volume Datasets
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, New Technologies Publications, 2009, pages 53-62 - [pdf]
[bib] - Jens Orthmann, Maik Keller, Andreas Kolb - Integrating GPGPU Functionality into Scene Graphs
In 14th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2009 - [pdf]
[bib] - Maik Keller, Nicolas Cuntz, Andreas Kolb - Interactive Dynamic Volume Trees on the GPU
In 14th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2009 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lindner, A. Kolb - Compensation of Motion Artifacts for Time-of-Flight Cameras
In Proc. Dynamic 3D Imaging, Springer, 2009, pages 16-27
[bib] - Jens Orthmann, Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - Responsive Real-Time Simulation of Ground Vegetation for Games
In Gameon 2009, 2009


[bib] - A. Kolb, M. Lambers, S. Todt, N. Cuntz, C. Rezk-Salama - Immersive Rear Projection on Curved Screens
In IEEE VR (Poster-Session), 2009 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Nicolas Cuntz, Andreas Kolb, Robert Strzodka and Daniel Weiskopf - Particle Level Set Advection for the Interactive Visualization of Unsteady 3D Flow
In Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis), 27(3), 2008, pages 719-716 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lindner, M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Data Fusion and Edge-Enhanced Distance Refinement for 2D RGB and 3D Range Images
In Int. J. on Intell. Systems and Techn. and App. (IJISTA), Issue on Dynamic 3D Imaging, 5(1), 2008, pages 344 - 354 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Todt, M. Langer, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb, K.D. Kuhnert - Spherical Light Field Rendering in Application for Analysis by Synthesis
In Int. J. on Intell. Systems and Techn. and App. (IJISTA), Issue on Dynamic 3D Imaging, 5(1), 2008, pages 304 - 314 - [pdf]
[bib] - Christof Rezk-Salama, Severin Todt and Andreas Kolb - Raycasting of Light Field Galleries from Volumetric Data
In Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis), 27(3), 2008, pages 839-846 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, H. Nies, A. Kolb - Interactive Dynamic Range Reduction for SAR Images
In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(3), 2008, pages 507-511 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb, K.-D. Kuhnert - GPU-Based Spherical Light Field Rendering with Per-Fragment Depth Correction
In Computer Graphics Forum, 27(8), 2008, pages 2081-2095 - [pdf]


[bib] - A. Kolb, R. Leschke, T. Reinhard - Interaktion. Ein Begriff zwischen den Wissenschaften
In Navigationen - Special Issue, Transcript Verlag, 2008, pages 81-102

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - A. Kolb, E. Barth, R. Koch - ToF-Sensors: New Dimensions for Realism and Interactivity
In Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on ToF Camera based Computer Vision (TOF-CV), 2008, pages 1-6 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Adaptive Dynamic Range Reduction for SAR Images
In Proc. 7th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 3, 2008, pages 371-374 - [pdf]
[bib] - I. Chiosa, A. Kolb - Variational Multilevel Mesh Clustering
In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI), 2008, pages 197-204 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lindner, A. Kolb, T. Ringbeck - New Insights into the Calibration of TOF Sensors
In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on ToF Camera based Computer Vision (TOF-CV), 2008, pages 1-5 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - Light Field Rendering for Games
In Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 2008, pages 27--33, Best Student Paper Presentation Award - [pdf]
[bib] - Severin Todt, Christof Rezk-Salama, Lisa Brückbauer, Andreas Kolb - Progressive Light Field Rendering for Web Based Data Presentation
In Workshop on Hyper-Media 3D Internet, 2008, pages 23-32
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb - Automatic Point Target Detection For Interactive Visual Analysis of SAR Images
In Proc. Int. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2, 2008, pages II-903 - II-906 - [pdf]



[bib] - A. Kolb, C. Rezk-Salama, J. Venus - Displaying Interplay - Entwicklungstrends der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion
In Navigationen -- Special Issue: Display II Digital, Transcript Verlag, 2007, pages 71-85 - [pdf]
[bib] - K. Kuhnert, M. Langer, M. Stommel, A. Kolb - Dynamic 3D Vision
In Vision Systems, Advanced Robotic Systems, Vienna, 2007, pages 311-334

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - N. Cuntz, M. Leidl, A. Kolb, C. Rezk-Salama, M. Böttinger - GPU-based Dynamic Flow Visualization for Climate Research Applications
In Proc. Simulation and Visualization, 2007, pages 371-384 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lindner, A. Kolb - Calibration of the intensity-related distance error of the PMD TOF-Camera
In SPIE: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXV, 6764, 2007, pages 6764-35 - [pdf]
[bib] - B. Streckel, B. Bartczak, R. Koch, A. Kolb - Supporting Structure From Motion with a 3D-Range-Camera
In Scandinavian Conf. Image Analysis (SCIA), 2007, pages 233-242 - [pdf]
[bib] - Nicolas Cuntz, Andreas Kolb - Fast Hierarchical 3D Distance Transforms on the GPU
In Eurographics 2007 (short paper), 2007, pages 93-96 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lindner, A. Kolb, K. Hartmann - Data-Fusion of PMD-Based Distance-Information and High-Resolution RGB-Images
In Proc. of the Int. IEEE Symp. on Signals, Circuits & Systems (ISSCS), 1, 2007, pages 121 - 124 - [pdf]
[bib] - Maik Keller, Jens Orthmann, Andreas Kolb, Valerij Peters - A Simulation Framework for Time-Of-Flight Sensors
In Proc. of the Int. IEEE Symp. on Signals, Circuits & Systems (ISSCS), 1, 2007, pages 125 - 128 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, T. Horz, A. Pritzkau, A. Kolb - An Interactive Exploration of the Virtual Stronghold Dillenburg
In Eurographics 2007 (Cultural Heritage), 2007, pages 17-24 - [pdf]
[bib] - T. Horz, A. Pritzkau, C. Rezk-Salama, S. Todt, A. Kolb - Gaming Technology in Cultural Heritage Systems
In Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Games and Simulation, 2007 - [pdf]
[bib] - M. Lambers, A. Kolb, H. Nies, M. Kalkuhl - GPU-based Framework for Interactive Visualization of SAR Data
In Proc. Int. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2007, pages 4076 - 4079 - [pdf]

Technische Berichte

[bib] - Nicolas Cuntz, Robert Strzodka, Andreas Kolb - Real-Time Particle Level Sets with Application to Flow Visualization
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, Institute for Vision and Graphics (IVG), University of Siegen, 2007
 - [pdf]
[bib] - S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - Fast (Spherical) Light Field Rendering with Per-Pixel Depth
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, 2007
 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - Opacity Peeling for Direct Volume Rendering
In Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 25(3), 2006, pages 597-606 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - J. Mehnert-Spahn, S. Speck, A. Kolb - A Cross-Platform Approach for User-Interaction in Virtual Environments
In 9. Fachtagung zu Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality,, 2006, pages 321-328
[bib] - C. Rezk-Salama, S. Todt, L. Brückbauer, T. Horz, T. Knoche, B. Labitzke, M. Leidl, J. Orthmann, H. Payer, M. Piotraschke, T. Schmiade, A. Kolb - Game Development as Part of the Computer Science Education
In Proc. International Digital Games Conference (iDiG), Springer, 2006, pages 15-24 - [pdf]
[bib] - Marvin Lindner, Andreas Kolb - Lateral and Depth Calibration of PMD-Distance Sensors
In Advances in Visual Computing, Springer, 2, 2006, pages 524-533 - [pdf]
[bib] - J. H. G. Ender, J. Klare, I. Walterscheid, A. R. Brenner, M. Weiß, C. Kirchner, H. Wilden, O. Loffeld, A. Kolb, W. Wiechert, M. Kalkuhl, S. Knedlik, U. Gebhardt, H. Nies, K. Natroshvili, S. Ige,  - Bistatic Exporation Using Spaceborne and Airborne SAR Sensors: A Close Collaboration Between FGAN, ZESS and FOMAAS
In IEEE IGARSS, 2006, pages 1828-1831 - [pdf]

Technische Berichte

[bib] - Nicolas Cuntz, Andreas Kolb - Fast Hierarchical 3D Distance Transforms on the GPU
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, Institute for Vision and Graphics (IVG), University of Siegen, 2006
 - [pdf]
[bib] - Iurie Chiosa and Andreas Kolb - Mesh Coarsening based upon Multiplicatively Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams
In Technical Report , Computer Graphics Group, Institute for Vision and Graphics (IVG), University of Siegen, 2006
 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - R. Strzodka, M. Doggett, A. Kolb - Scientific Computation for Simulations on Programmable Graphics Hardware
In Simulation Practice & Theory, 13(8), 2005, pages 667-680 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Andreas Kolb, Christof Rezk-Salama - Efficient Empty Space Skipping for Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping
In Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV), 2005, pages 407-414 - [pdf]
[bib] - Andreas Kolb, Nicolas Cuntz - Dynamic Particle Coupling for GPU-Based Fluid Simulation
In Proc. 18th Symposium on Simulation Technique,, 2005, pages 722-727 - [pdf]
[bib] - Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb - A Vertex Program for Efficient Box-Plane Intersection
In Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV), 2005, pages 115-122 - [pdf]
[bib] - C. Bastuck, T. Hambürger, T. Hof, M. Keller, P. Kohlmann, J. Mehnert, S. Nowak, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - An Open and Extensible Framework for Visualization
In Tagungsband der Informatiktage 2005 der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2005, pages 151-154 - [pdf]


[bib] - Severin S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb - Real-Time Fusion of Depth and Light Field Images
In ACM SIGGRAPH Posters, 2005 - [pdf]


Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - Andreas Kolb, Lutz Latta, Christof Rezk-Salama - Hardware-based Simulation and Collision Detection for Large Particle Systems
In Proc. Graphics Hardware, 2004, pages 123-131 - [pdf]


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - G. Greiner, A. Kolb, A. Riepl - Scattered Data Interpolation Using Data-Dependent Optimization Techniques
In Graphical Models, 64, 2002, pages 1-18 - [pdf]
[bib] - Lutz Latta, Andreas Kolb - Homomorphic Factorization of BRDF-based Lighting Computation
In ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 21(3), 2002, pages 509-516 - [pdf]


Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - A. Kolb, L. John - Volumetric Model Repair for Virtual Reality Applications
In Eurographics Short Presentations, 2001, pages 249-256 - [pdf]


[bib] - L. Latta, A. Kolb - Lichtspiele in der Medieninformatik
In Auditorium - Jahresschrift der FH Wedel, p. 22-23, 2001


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - Andreas Kolb - Virtuelle Realität an der Fachhochschule Wedel
In Mensch und Technik, VDI Bezirksverband Hamburg, 2000



[bib] - P. Slusallek, R. Klein, A. Kolb, G. Greiner - An Object-Oriented Approach for Curves and Surfaces
In Object-Oriented and Mixed Programming Paradigms, Springer, 1996


Artikel in Zeitschriften

[bib] - A. Kolb, H. Pottmann, H.-P. Seidel - Fair Surface Reconstruction Using Quadratic Functionals
In Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 14(3), 1995, pages 469-479 - [pdf]
[bib] - G. Greiner, A. Kolb, R. Pfeifle, H.-P. Seidel, M. Encarnacao, R. Klein - A Platform for Visualizing Curves and Surfaces
In Computer Aided Design, 24(7), 1995, pages 559-566
[bib] - A. Kolb, H.-P. Seidel - Interpolating Scattered Data With C² Surfaces
In Computer Aided Design, 27(4), 1995, pages 277-282 - [pdf]

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - A. Kolb, H. Pottmann, H.-P. Seidel - Surface Reconstruction Based Upon Minimum Norm Networks
In Math. Methods for Curves and Surfaces, 1995, pages 293-304 - [pdf]


[bib] - Andreas Kolb - Optimierungsansätze bei der Interpolation verteilter Daten
In Phd Thesis, Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, 1995 - [pdf]


Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

[bib] - P. Slusallek, R. Klein, A. Kolb, G. Greiner - An Object-Oriented Approach to Curves and Surfaces
In Proc. 4th Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics, 1994, pages 29-39 - [pdf]
[bib] - P. Slusallek, R. Klein, A. Kolb, G. Greiner - An Object-Oriented Framework for Curves and Surfaces With Applications
In Curves and Surfaces II, 1994 - [pdf]